External Applicants: How to Apply for a Position
Anyone interested in career opportunities with Agapic is encouraged to share their information with our team by joining our talent community. This allows our team to consider applicants for current and future openings on the team.
Example Hiring Process
The hiring process may vary role-to-role, so please review the hiring process on the job description page for the relevant role.
Example Hiring Timeline
Best practice is to coordinate interview times so that candidates can complete all interviews within 2 weeks. The initial screening call is not considered to be part of the 2-week goal.
Conducting an Agapic Interview
Interviewing is hard for both sides. To help promote fewer and more-consistent interviews, what follows are templates for selected interviews.
Interview Preparation
- Interviews should not be recorded.
- For interview practice, hiring team members may conduct mock interviews internally, or have one additional Agapic team member shadow the live interview.
Interview feedback
You will use an “interview scorecard” that is specific to the role when interviewing a candidate. The scorecard has space for feedback and scores. All scorecards should be submitted within 1 business day of the interview, so that the interview is still fresh in your mind.
The bottom of the feedback form will ask for an overall recommendation on whether you want to hire this person or not. Your recommendation is required for each candidate.
The hiring score is defined as follows:
- Strong Yes
- Extends Yes
- You have no significant questions remaining and are confident that the candidate would succeed in the role
- Candidate brings interesting qualities that we were not necessarily looking for
- Yes: All minimum qualifications that were evaluated in the interview were present
- No: One or more minimum qualifications that were evaluated were found to be missing
- Strong No
- Extends No
- The candidate demonstrated opposition to Agapic’s mission and purpose, or our values
Example Hiring Processes by Department
Engineering Department
- 60 minute screening call
- The format for this interview includes
- Standard questions, for example: Why are you interested in Agapic?
- Questions related to the minimum qualifications listed in the position description.
- Questions related to Agapic’s mission and values.
- Questions related to working at a startup.
- Questions related to remote work.
- Procedural questions, for example: What is your current location and do you have any plans to relocate?
- A discussion about compensation, including the candidate’s expectations and Agapic’s approach.
- We review how Agapic contracts with team members, including directing the candidate to the Contracts page and going through it with them.
- Once the interview is completed, and if the candidate and hiring team are interested in continuing the hiring process, prepare a Non-Disclosure Agreement for candidate signature. Also, coordinate interview times so that the candidate can complete the remaining hiring process within 2 weeks.
- The format for this interview includes
- 70 minute personality assessments
- This is not an interview, but a set of personality tests. These tests help find out what the candidate is like. Because of the biases with which we are wired, our self-assessments (and assessments of others) can be inaccurate. Personality assessments can be more reliable, and play a role in helping explore how people think.
- 60 minute behavioral interview
- This interview includes questions based on vignettes and seeks to understand how the candidate solves problems, resolves conflicts, and interfaces with other members of the team.
- Once the interview is completed, and if the candidate and hiring team are interested in continuing the hiring process, prepare a Standard Non-Disclosure Agreement for candidate signature (if not already completed).
- 60 minute technical interview and discussion of take-home exercise
- See Take-Home Exercise for details.
- 60 minute technical interview
- These interviews focus on coding and other technical work done by the candidate. The interviews may include systems and product related questions. The interviews may also include soft skills questions.
- For UX designer roles, these will be design interviews. The interviews may focus on reviewing a project within the candidate’s portfolio. The interviews may also include a design exercise.
- 60 minute team interview
- In this interview we interact as a team and ask the candidate to perform a few tasks, including defining their goals and objectives for their first few months at Agapic.
- Candidate decision survey
Health Department
- 60 minute screening call
- The format for this interview includes
- Standard questions, for example: Why are you interested in Agapic?
- Questions related to the minimum qualifications listed in the position description.
- Questions related to Agapic’s mission and values.
- Questions related to working at a startup.
- Questions related to remote work.
- Procedural questions, for example: What is your current location and do you have any plans to relocate?
- A discussion about compensation, including the candidate’s expectations and Agapic’s approach.
- We review how Agapic contracts with team members, including directing the candidate to the Contracts page and going through it with them.
- Once the interview is completed, and if the candidate and hiring team are interested in continuing the hiring process, prepare a Non-Disclosure Agreement for candidate signature. Also, coordinate interview times so that the candidate can complete the remaining hiring process within 2 weeks.
- The format for this interview includes
- 70 minute personality assessments
- This is not an interview, but a set of personality tests. These tests help find out what the candidate is like. Because of the biases with which we are wired, our self-assessments (and assessments of others) can be inaccurate. Personality assessments can be more reliable, and play a role in helping explore how people think.
- 60 minute scenario-based interview
- This interview includes questions based on vignettes and seeks to understand how the candidate solves problems, resolves conflicts, and interfaces with other members of the team.
- This interview is commonly referred to as a “behavioral interview.” Since “behavioral interview” has a different meaning in certain healthcare settings, then the term “scenario-based interview” is used instead.
- Once the interview is completed, and if the candidate and hiring team are interested in continuing the hiring process, prepare a Standard Non-Disclosure Agreement for candidate signature (if not already completed).
- 60 minute healthcare interview and discussion of take-home exercise
- See Take-Home Exercise for details.
- 60 minute technology interview
- See Technology Interview for details.
- 60 minute healthcare interview
- These interviews focus on the healthcare expertise and experience of the candidate, and the healthcare-related requirements of the job. The interviews may include clinical questions. The interviews may also include soft skills questions.
- 60 minute team interview
- In this interview we interact as a team and ask the candidate to perform a few tasks, including defining their goals and objectives for their first few months at Agapic.
- Candidate decision survey
Illegal Interview Questions
- Be aware of the kinds of questions you can and can’t ask.
- In general, focus the interview on the job duties.
- Refrain from asking any questions related to personal characteristics that are protected by law, for example: age, disability, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy status, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
- Also refrain from asking any questions related to employment discrimination complaints, charges, investigations, and lawsuits.
- Examples:
- Example 1: If there is a gap in employment history on a CV,
- You may ask the candidate what they did during that time to keep their skills current.
- You may not ask why they were absent from work as it may be related to a medical or family issue, which is protected information.
- Example 2: Even when discussing Agapic products, you may not ask the candidate about:
- their use of medication,
- their family medical conditions,
- any disabilities they may have,
- any genetic tests they have taken.
- Example 3: Even during small talk at the start or end of an interview, take care to avoid illegal interview questions, such as:
- So you mentioned you live with your partner earlier, are you married?
- How old are you by the way?
- Example 1: If there is a gap in employment history on a CV,
- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has additional information on protected classes in the US.
- Asking questions related to any protected classes is not only illegal, but also shouldn’t be asked to determine if someone is qualified for a role.
- If a candidate does bring up personal information during an interview related to a protected class, it’s OK to acknowledge their comment and get the interview back on track:
- Some suggestions on steering the interview back to appropriate topics:
- So, we were just talking about your role’s current responsibilities. How technical are you hoping to stay in your next role?
- I have a few more questions that I’d love to get to during our meeting today. Tell me a little bit more about …
- Any protected personal information disclosed by the candidate should not be included in your feedback as it does not pertain to the functions and responsibilities of the role.
- This information should not be used to determine if you are a yes or a no to their candidacy for the role.
- If protected class information was to be documented in a candidate’s feedback, that’s findable information and could be used against Agapic in court.
- Some suggestions on steering the interview back to appropriate topics:
Reference Check Process
The hiring team will ask candidates for 3 references. 2 of the references must be from a manager or supervisor.
Background Checks
The hiring team will begin a background check on the candidate. The candidate will be informed in advance.
After the Interviews
If, at the completion of the interview process, both the candidate and the hiring team wish to move forward with the candidate’s application, an offer will need to be prepared.
After the Hiring Process
The candidate should have the opportunity to provide feedback on Agapic’s hiring process. Feedback may be collected using the survey below, or through conversation.