External Applicants: How to Apply for a Position

Anyone interested in career opportunities with Agapic is encouraged to share their information with our team by joining our talent community. This allows our team to consider applicants for current and future openings on the team.

Example Hiring Process

The hiring process may vary role-to-role, so please review the hiring process on the job description page for the relevant role.

Example Hiring Timeline

Best practice is to coordinate interview times so that candidates can complete all interviews within 2 weeks. The initial screening call is not considered to be part of the 2-week goal.

Conducting an Agapic Interview

Interviewing is hard for both sides. To help promote fewer and more-consistent interviews, what follows are templates for selected interviews.

Interview Preparation

Interview feedback

You will use an “interview scorecard” that is specific to the role when interviewing a candidate. The scorecard has space for feedback and scores. All scorecards should be submitted within 1 business day of the interview, so that the interview is still fresh in your mind.

The bottom of the feedback form will ask for an overall recommendation on whether you want to hire this person or not. Your recommendation is required for each candidate.

The hiring score is defined as follows:

Example Hiring Processes by Department

Engineering Department

Health Department

Illegal Interview Questions

Reference Check Process

The hiring team will ask candidates for 3 references. 2 of the references must be from a manager or supervisor.

Background Checks

The hiring team will begin a background check on the candidate. The candidate will be informed in advance.

After the Interviews

If, at the completion of the interview process, both the candidate and the hiring team wish to move forward with the candidate’s application, an offer will need to be prepared.

After the Hiring Process

The candidate should have the opportunity to provide feedback on Agapic’s hiring process. Feedback may be collected using the survey below, or through conversation.